February 28, 2010


So its something that has come to my attention, Girls think differently than guys... Wow... Who knew???

 I wrote a poem over a year ago and just now thought of it, It was written for my mother to tell her that Genuine love is unconditional, its based on more than what we can expect to gain from it.

Love? Who decides who is worthy of such a thing?
Is it the masses the simple majority?
Maybe someone standing in a place of authority?
What is it to love to care that drives us to share?
Why must we act on this emotion?
This thought sometimes called a fools notion?
We speak of love as if it were a riddle.
To love or hate , there is no middle.
But the question remains
Can we start again?
When even ourselves we are afraid to love.
Always wanting to have our worth verified.
The thought of just us keeps us terrified.
The answer to all these questions must lie.
Somewhere beyond this expanse of sky.
The Being who created us all.
Has shown us that love is never small.
It belongs to all of us true.
Not one is denied this boon.
Every soul that dreams.
Every heart that mourns.
Deserves to have that love shown.
The next part is the hardest.
To love ourselves when we feel the darkest.
Knowing in our very souls.
He has not given up on us in our toils.
If He can love us no matter what.
So can we even when we get stuck.

It's a little rough and could use some editing but I feel it captures the raw emotions just right.

In a lesson today we talked about what the fundamental differences are between a Guy and a Girl. Guys are like Buffalo's we tend to do our thing and ignore the world around us, Girls on the other hand are like Butterfly's they are more acutely in tune with the world around them, the slightest breeze they notice and react to. While Guys tend to think of things in straight lines and A+B=C mentality, Girls tend to be more focused in the surroundings, the feelings and emotions involved rather than the thinking it takes to get from point A to point B. Not that I claim to be an expert by a long shot. But to understand the differences is to help understand ways to show more love and compassion towards the opposite sex. 

We also discussed some of the major ways that Men hurt their wives(without even realizing it). Because we tend to think in straight lines and solving the problems that arise we dont focus on how the words we speak might be taken in ways that hurt. We can talk to other guys and say the same things and it will totally be taken in stride, just as we say it with no hidden meaning attached. But because of the sensitive nature of Women the slightest sarcastic remark can lead to them thinking less of themselves.

The key to Love as far as I have been able to understand is, Love is Patient, and Love is Kind. or in other words, Love God, and Love your neighbor. so simple in saying, yet goes so deep as to affect every single aspect of our lives and all of our relationships. We are taught to do unto others as we would be done by, yet often times I find myself flipping it, and doing to others as I have been done by, hitting my brother cause he hit me first, making a rude remark because I was ridiculed. All of this leads to unsatisfied relationships, and hurt. So it must start with me, I must be the one to act before acted upon, and to return Good for Evil.

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