February 06, 2010

Power in prayer

There is something powerful about prayer, something that links us to our creator in such a human way. I find it amazing that no matter the struggle I face I can just take it to him and he will be able to help me, maybe not in the way I expect but in the way I need. My mind is working out a way to say the things it wants to say without giving too much away. Needless to say my life like anyone elses is full of individual battles, some to the point where I have been fighting so long its become part of my routine.

Still it is a wonder I have any sanity at all for the lack of hope I see in the future at times. A country continually spiraling downward to its own destruction, like me, can only maintain its current course before the crutches supporting it will break.

I have always prided myself on my ability to solve problems, to take something abstract and make sense of it. My friends have always trusted me with their problems because I can give solid advice. Yet, in my own life I have a hard time really seeing all the angles of things. In other words I dont know how to help "me".

Prayer is wonderful in its simplicity, there is just something easy of knock and it shall be opened. The peace that is available that while most times seems so out of reach, is amazing. I feel such a profound joy that is hard to describe without using a lot of flowing words. Peace, yes its just a simple thing and I feel so grateful for the beauty that is my life.

I may not know what the future may hold and I may not know how the day may end, but this morning I feel peace, a better understanding of the moment and a greater hope for the unknown. My God is God, and with that knowledge I can look forward to the things "I" dont know and be content, because He knows it.

1 comment:

  1. Karl, I appreciate this post because I know first hand the beautiful power of prayer. My life is filled with miracles because of the grace of God in answering my feeble pleas for assistance on my mortal journey.

    We can never see the full scope of our own lives. One of the wonderful perks of having loving family and friends. I can assure you my friend, if you ever think you've gotten past your screw ups, I will always be there to confirm you haven't.

    Jaime Buckley
