What a mess, seriously, its like we are not satisfied with any sense of completeness, life has gotten really hectic. I dont even recognize my room anymore... I want to say its all a deliberate ploy to destroy my peace and harmony but that would be selfish of me.
Of course the mess that is left is going to have to be cleaned up, and who better qualified than those that did not make it.
I think the thing I have the most problem with is the lack of communication that exists where I am concerned. Things happen that doesn't mean I should not at least be told what the hell is going on. I mean seriously is it that hard to talk to someone and say "hey this is whats going to happen, and while we cant say why, at least you are aware now." End of it. But no, I dont even get so much as a days advance warning before my space gets invaded, stuff that was being used by me (even though its not mine) is taken, and im just supposed to be happy about the whole thing.
I have a pile of laundry that I cant get done because they loaded up the washer and dryer. I try to suggest a solution to that and get told that there is another plan involved, when I ask what that is I am told that I will know when its time.... B.S.
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