February 05, 2009


Agency, its a concept that has been on my mind heavily this last little bit. Why did God give us agency if it was just in his power to remove all the bad choices? That would solve things wouldn't it? I mean if you cant murder then no murders would ever happen right? sounds like a great Idea right? If someone does something just remove all possibility that they can do it again right? seems logical and sometimes necessary. But then if that was the easy way why do we even have Agency? Why are we allowed to make choices that can affect others? Is it not for our own progression? To prove ourselves to God? If only good Choices were available how could we Judge a Man by his works? If it is truly about learning to grow who are we to make choices that limit another Mans agency and be Justified in it? Consequences is one thing but for a Consequence to be effective a Man must be allowed to make a Choice that receives that consequence.

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